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'A Conversation With...Metro-Ongen'

Writer's picture: KeikoKeiko

I have previously had the pleasure of interviewing Japanese indie-band Metro-Ongen back in 2021 during the height of the pandemic. At the time the band discussed their EP 'Wrong World' and their experiences of having to adapt to lockdown restrictions. Nearly three years later, Metro-Ongen are back with their new single 'Aurora' which is the first of three new releases. I caught up with lead singer MGT to discuss the band's new music, the inspiration and meaning behind 'Aurora' and their plans for the rest of 2023.

You can find a Japanese and English translation of the interview below alongside a review of 'Aurora' which includes a link to the band's YouTube channel.

Metro-Ongen Interview with Lead Singer MGT


フランス語の”明け方”: aurore と、英語の”オーロラ”: aurora は日本語ではどちらも ōrora と発音します。この曲のタイトルが決まるずっと前から、chorus partでは「オーロラ」という言葉を自然に歌っていました。

最初にフランス語 aurore の”明け方”のオレンジ色のイメージで作詞を始めましたが、フランス語 aurore の発音だと日本語の発音とあまりにも違うので、英語の aurora の方に イメージを変えて作詞しました。実際に出来上がった歌詞を見ると、”明け方”も”夜のオーロラ”もどちらも混ざったイメージに仕上がりました。歌詞の大部分がメランコリーな二人というストーリーで進行しますが、一番最後に「夜が来ても、朝が来ても僕たちはずっと生き ていく」この曲のメッセージで終わっているので、歌詞には満足しています。僕たちは普段、ジャムセッションから曲へと変えていくスタイルですが、Aurora は 制作時期がコロナが一番大変だった頃に始まったため、なかなかスタジオにも入れず、曲構成から全て自宅やonlineで決めていった初の試みが多かったです。


音楽性の面でどのくらい変化があったかは分かりませんが、制作環境がコロナにより大きくかわってしまった事は大きいです。僕 (MGT: Vo)は、だいたい夢の中でメロディが浮かぶので、ボイスメモに吹き込んだ メロディを基にバンドメンバー用のDEMOを作り、それをずっと聴いてます。それはコロナ以降の習慣ですが、もう何曲も溜まっています。このDemo作業は基本的に一人なので、自然とギターより電子楽器が多くなります。そういった影響は徐々に今後の作品に出てくるかもしれません。

最近のRyu(Gt)は一つ一つの音のSpaceやResonanceの部分をより楽しんでいます。特にEric Claptonの新しいアルバムをよく聴くそうです。Claptonの”語る”ような域にまで達したギターに感銘を受けたそうです。ところがなぜか僕は最近、彼に新しいFuzz(ギターの音をとても歪ませるPedal)を2台もプレゼントしてしまいました。それが今の彼のmoodでどう活かされるのかは楽しみです。


Auroraから始まり、シングルを順番に3つ出す予定です。いずれも美しいギターの 旋律と童謡のようなメロディという良さは失わず、逆にエナジー?怒り?どの曲もとにかくダイナミズムとリズム の良さはさらに増しているので、日本語がわからない方もそのグルーブを楽しんで欲しいです。ちなみに歌詞付き動画はYoutubeやInstagramにあがっているので、”Metro Ongen”でチェックしてみてください。


残念ながらコロナ以降ライブは全てキャンセルし、やっていません。メンバーの仕 事のスケジュールなどからレコーディングの準備時間を作らないといけないので、ライブや そのリハーサルの時間が増やせない状態です。日本に来るファンからもけっこうライブの問 い合わせがあるのが申し訳ないです。冬以降の状況次第で、ライブの予定も組みたいです。

Metro-Ongen Interview with Lead Singer MGT (ENG)

Please tell us the meaning behind the title of your new single ‘Aurora’.

The French "dawn": aurore and English "aurora": are both pronounced ‘aurora’ ōrora in Japanese. Long before the title of the song was decided, we were already using the word ‘Aurora’ spontaneously in the chorus part.

I first started writing lyrics with the orange colour of the French word aurore meaning "dawn.", however, the French ‘aurore’ pronunciation was too different from the Japanese pronunciation, so I used the English pronunciation and wrote the lyrics with a different image. When I finished writing the final version of the lyrics, I realized that the image of both meanings of ‘dawn’ and ‘night aurora’ became mixed in the final version.

The lyrics tell a story about two melancholy individuals, but I am happy with the lyrics because it ends with the song's message, "Whether the night comes, or the morning comes, we will always live." We usually have a style of writing and creating songs during jamming sessions, but with ‘Aurora’ the production started during the height of Corona and I couldn’t get into the studio. There were many first attempts where everything in terms of composition was decided at home or online.

It’s been three years since we last spoke, how has your musical process changed since the pandemic?

I don’t know how much our musicality has changed, but the production environment has altered due to Corona, that has been an area of huge impact.

(MGT:VOCALIST): I usually get inspiration for melodies when I dream and record them as a voice memo. I will then make a demo for the band members based on that melody and will listen to it all the time. Since the pandemic it has become a habit and I have accumulated many songs. The demo work is basically done by one person so there are naturally more electronic instruments than guitars. You might see those influences gradually appear in our future work.

These days, Ryu (Guitarist) has found more enjoyment in each individual space and resonant part. In particular, Ryu has been listening to Eric Clapton’s new album a lot. He was greatly moved by Clapton’s guitar which felt like it could speak and resonate with its listeners. But for some reason, I recently gave him two new Fuzz Pedals that really distorts the sound of the guitar. I’m looking forward to seeing how these two pedals will be used by him in his current mood.

What do you want your listeners to take away from the new single?

Starting with Aurora, we plan to release three singles one by one. Without losing the beautiful guitar tunes and nursery-rhyme-like melodies, all three singles have…. energy? Anger? Either way, each song has a dynamism and rhythm that are even greater so even if you don’t understand Japanese, I want you to enjoy it. By the way, you can find videos with lyrics on YouTube and Instagram, check it out at ‘Metro-Ongen’.

Are there any plans to hold a live show this summer?

Unfortunately, we have cancelled all live performances and haven’t done any since Corona. I need to make a schedule depending on the members and make time to prepare for recordings and live performances, we currently can’t make time for live performances and rehearsals. There have been quite a few questions about live performances from international fans who are visiting Japan, I’m sorry that we haven’t been able to perform live. Depending on the situation after winter, I am hoping to schedule a live performance in the future.

'Aurora' is out now on all streaming platforms, check it out in the link below or hear the single in full on my Spotify Featured Artists Playlist, Reviews Playlist and J-pop/Rock Playlist.

'Aurora' follows the release of 'Wrong World' which was the band's lockdown EP, featuring two tracks that reflected global frustrations, the rise of global nationalism and racism. With lyrics reflecting powerful sentiments and heavy guitar instrumentals, the EP encapsulated the tension and isolation experienced by many during the pandemic. Their latest single 'Aurora' adopts a lighter tone and explores two individuals who are melancholic whilst reflecting on the past and finding comfort in knowing "Whether the night comes, or the morning comes, we will always live.". This is a strong single from the Japanese indie-band and one that will resonate with their fans both in Japan and within the wider international community. What did you think of the single?

Comment down below and make sure to follow Metro-Ongen on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.


Want to know more about Metro-Ongen? Make sure to check out my previous interview with the band down below

A special thank you to Metro-Ongen for taking the time to answer my questions and for continuing to support my blog.

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