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'A Conversation With...OLI'

I caught up with Leeds-based musician OLI (Oliver Watson) to discuss their latest single '4 Better or 4 Worse' a collaborative project that was predominantly written prior to the pandemic. Having graduated from Leeds Conservatoire, I asked OLI how the city has influenced his music and the recording process behind the single.

Hi OLI, tell us a bit about yourself!

Hello! My name is Oliver and I am a 21 year old drummer and songwriter from a small town called Leek. I have been drumming since the age of 6 and graduated from Leeds Conservatoire this year with a BA in Popular music, specialising in drumming. Currently I am splitting my time between rehearsing and gigging for multiple different bands, studio session work, 1-1 drum tuition and pit band work, alongside working on my original music project OLI.

How did you become interested in music?

I suppose I have always been into music and playing musical instruments. My parents are very musical, as my dad sings and plays guitar, and my mother used to play the clarinet. Growing up in this musical environment has really helped to shape my love of music and my musical tastes. I initially started playing the guitar with lessons from my dad, but I soon became impatient and gave up. I didn’t like taking instructions from my dad!! It was at this point that I started drumming, and soon came to love this instrument.

Was there a particular artist/musician who inspired you to start making music?

Growing up I listened to a lot of Christian rock music, and especially the band YFriday, as my dad was into them, and my best mate’s dad was mates with the band. I went to loads of their gigs between the ages of 6 and 10. I even have a drumstick and a signed plectrum from the band somewhere at home! Lead singer and guitarist Ken, and later drummer Dez were my first musical idols.

Later I began listening to a lot of Red Hot Chili Peppers, and it is Chad Smith that I attribute lots of my drumming style to. Over time my tastes have slightly changed, as now I am listening to a lot of Sting, and his drummer, Vinnie Coliauta, is my main drumming influence at the moment.

You are a graduate from Leeds Conservatoire, how has your time at Leeds shaped your music?

You could say Leeds Conservatoire initiated my music creation! Before university, I had not written a single song, and thought I was only ever going to be a session drummer. It was only in my third year, during the Coronavirus pandemic, that I began writing my own stuff. For my final assignment I needed to produce 30 minutes of music, either performed live or recorded, and I realised that none of the bands I was in were still active due to the pandemic, so I figured I should start writing my own music. My tracks have been mostly remotely recorded, mixed and mastered, utilising friends from university to feature on them. It was only the drums that were recorded live in the studios at university.

If you could describe your music in three words, what would they be?

Fun, contemporary, unique

You have released your debut single ‘4 Better or 4 Worse’, what can you tell us about the track?

Unlike the rest of my tracks, this one actually stemmed from before my third year at uni. Me and HM started working on this track in the summer 2019, albeit with a completely different vibe and feel. HM recorded a basic piano riff, inspired by the one in Nappy Roots’ ‘Good Day’ as well as a guitar part and solo idea. Initially the track had programmed drums that I inputted and had a more electro pop feel. We never thought this would be released, as it was just an idea we thought of when messing around on Logic. This idea then just sat on my laptop for over a year, until my third-year specialist study assignment. Initially I really struggled for ideas, so I began searching through old Logic projects I had and found this. I took this file and began messing around with its structure and then sent it to HM to add some parts and update some of the software instruments. I then rearranged the parts and mixed the backing. It was at this point that I sent the track to Ethan Owen to do lyrics and vocal melody. Once done I finished mixing then sent off to a mastering engineer.

I love how the song feels incredibly euphoric and reflects upon the difficulties we have faced during the pandemic; did you intend to write a song that would be so happy and joyful or was that an unconscious decision?

The initial idea of the track was written way before the pandemic and the track itself was only ever supposed to be a happy pop, commercially viable tune I could use for my end of year recorded portfolio. Funnily enough I didn’t end up using this in my portfolio! I’m not sure exactly at what point I decided to use this song to reflect on the pandemic. I think it was when I decided on a name for the track, before I sent it to Ethan to do the vocals. By then I knew what vibe the track should be and what I wanted lyrically.

Could you tell us the meaning or inspiration behind the lyrics for the song?

Ethan Owen actually wrote the lyrics to this with my direction. I came up with the name ‘4 Better or 4 Worse,’ as a mixture of a pun with the song being in 4/4, and a proverb ‘for better or for worse.’ I wanted this track to be an upbeat positive song to lift the mood of the nation as we faced the pandemic. There seemed to be a lot of negativity and sadness around as I started rearranging the initial idea to create this song, and I wanted to show that despite these situations, there are always positives to look for. We can be optimistic even in the darkest times. Ethan's vocals perfectly encapsulate the overriding sense of optimism, that no matter what the situation, there are always positives to look to and life will get better.

Will ‘4 Better or 4 Worse’ feature as part of a larger project?


Yes it will haha. I’ve got a few more singles planned then either an album or extended EP. I don’t want to give too much away but the rest of the project is unique and less commercial than my debut single. More to be announced in due course!

What are your plans for the rest of 2021?

At the moment my main focus are the upcoming gigs that I have with a few different bands I’m in. Now that live music is back I’m hoping to be quite busy for the rest of the summer! Aside from that I’m teaching both private students around West Yorkshire and peripatetically across schools in North Yorkshire from September. I am also in the process of starting a band for my original project OLI, and hope to get gigging by autumn, to support the release of my next two singles coming in the autumn/ winter.

What do you hope your listeners take away from your music?

I would like listeners to take away the sense of optimism from my music, and even in hard times remember that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

What advice would you give to someone who may struggle to find the inspiration to write music?

Just start writing! Some of the best ideas come accidentally. Another idea is to take a break from writing to just experience life. Walks often provide a great source of inspiration.

What is the best advice you have received?

There’s no time like the present! Make the most of every second you have.


Check out OLI's latest single '4 Better or 4 Worse' in the link above and hear the single on my Spotify featured artists playlist (link in bio)

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